Wednesday, April 13, 2016

5 MAGAZINES, newspapers and e-books in English Get them all 5 for free in 2 steps

5 MAGAZINES, newspapers and e-books in English Get them all 5 for free in 2 steps


1. Twitter In 30 Minutes (3rd Edition): 
How to connect with interesting people, write great tweets, and find information that's relevant to you
Ian Lamont

Updated and revised third edition of the top-selling Twitter book! Are you interested in using Twitter, but don't know where to start? Are you mystified by hashtags, retweets, and other strange conventions? The revised and expanded third edition of Twitter In 30 Minutes is here to help! This unofficial Twitter tutorial will walk you through the basics, using plain English, step-by-step instructions, and lots of examples from real Twitter users. In no time, you'll learn how to:
  • Create a new Twitter account online or on your phone
  • Customize your Twitter profile with photos and a bio that's right for you
  • Navigate Twitter icons, the Twitter app, and
  • Follow other Twitter accounts … and block those you don't like
  • Identify local people and organizations on Twitter
  • Find people who share the same interests and hobbies
  • Compose your first Tweets
  • Share photos on Twitter
  • Use hashtags, retweets, and other Twitter conventions
  • There's more. Twitter In 30 Minutes shows you how all kinds of people use Twitter to promote their businesses, connect with their Twitter followers, explore their interests, and have fun! It's peppered with real-world examples, from everyday people to top Twitter celebrities.

Authored by award-winning technology journalist Ian Lamont, the revised third edition of Twitter In 30 Minutes covers Twitter's new interface for the Web and mobile devices such as the iPhone and Android phones. There are new screenshots, along with instructions for Twitter registration on iOS and Android devices.

Twitter In 30 Minutes is a perfect introduction to people who are new to Twitter, as well as those who already have accounts and want to learn how to get the most out of Twitter. Buy the book today!

What real readers are saying:

”I quickly set up a Twitter account and started using it within a half hour. I would recommend this book for anyone who doesn't have a Twitter account, for those who do have one but aren't actively using it, and for those who aren't quite sure how to get the most out of their account.”

“Though I have been using Twitter for some time now, I still learned a thing or two from reading this."

"Clarified any issues I had or concerns and listed some excellent precautions."

"Perfect introduction to Twitter. Quick and easy read with lots of photos. I finally understand the #!"

"I've been tweeting for over a year but learned a lot if helpful details I hadn't been aware of until now. Lots of easy to understand info, and good instructions with screenshots that make it easy to understand. Thanks for the help and making Twitter even more fun."

"Just the quick, light intro I wanted. No annoying bits of philosophy. Some careful warnings about privacy and courtesy are included. You really can skim it in 30 minutes."

"Easy to read and actually fun to fire up my twitter account and play along with each chapter. Everyone has 30 spare minutes spread out over a week (if not a day) to read this guide."

Note: Twitter In 30 Minutes is not affiliated with “For Dummies” books, Twitter, or other services referenced in the guide. In 30 Minutes® is a registered trademark of publisher i30 Media Corp. All rights reserved.

2.  101 Facebook Marketing Tips and Strategies for Small Businesses 
Lasse Rouhiainen

Would you like to discover the biggest marketing trends in 2016 for growing your business with Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp?

Imagine being able to leverage the latest Facebook and Instagram advertising strategies to increase the bottom line for your business.

Have you seen these impressive numbers?
  • Facebook: 1.59 billion monthly active users.
  • WhatsApp: 1 billion monthly active users.
  • Facebook Messenger: 800 million monthly active users.
  • Instagram: 400 million monthly active users.

All of these services are owned by Facebook, and together they form a Facebook marketing ecosystem which allows you to access up to 3.79 billion users combined.

As a trainer and speaker, I have given Facebook marketing workshops in different corners of the world, from Madrid to Miami and from Dubai to Helsinki, and have met many business owners who are excited to use Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, but are unaware of the correct strategies and techniques to follow.

That is why I wrote this guidebook offering such a large number of tools, techniques and strategies every business owner can quickly apply and benefit from.

3. Engineering Informatics: Fundamentals of Computer-aided Engineering, 2nd edition 
Benny Raphael and Ian F. C. Smith

Computers are ubiquitous throughout all life–cycle stages ofengineering, from conceptual design to manufacturing maintenance,repair and replacement. It is essential for all engineers tobe aware of the knowledge behind computer–based tools andtechniques they are likely to encounter. The computationaltechnology, which allows engineers to carry out design, modelling,visualisation, manufacturing, construction and management ofproducts and infrastructure is known as Computer–Aided Engineering(CAE).

Engineering Informatics: Fundamentals of Computer–AidedEngineering, 2nd Edition provides the foundation knowledge ofcomputing that is essential for all engineers. This knowledge isindependent of hardware and software characteristics and thus, itis expected to remain valid throughout an engineering career. ThisSecond Edition is enhanced with treatment of new areas such asnetwork science and the computational complexity of distributedsystems.

Key features:
  • Provides extensive coverage of almost all aspects ofComputer–Aided Engineering, outlining general concepts such asfundamental logic, definition of engineering tasks andcomputational complexity
  • Every chapter revised and expanded following more than tenyears of experience teaching courses on the basis of the firstedition
  • Covers numerous representation frameworks and reasoningstrategies
  • Considers the benefits of increased computational power,parallel computing and cloud computing
  • Offers many practical engineering examples and exercises, withlecture notes available for many of the topics/chapters from theASCE Technical Council on Computing and Information Technology,Global Centre of Excellence in Computing(, providing a valuable resource forlecturers.
  • Accompanied by a website hosting updates and solutions
  • Engineering Informatics: Fundamentals of Computer–AidedEngineering, 2nd Edition provides essential knowledge oncomputing theory in engineering contexts for students, researchersand practising engineers.

4.  Venmo an Easy Guide for Beginners 
Scott Casterson

With cash becoming a thing of the past, many companies are trying to appease such a new age phenomenon. These apps allow you to enjoy a night out with dinner and a show, with friends, without having a dime in your pocket. Venmo is one such app. It is a digital wallet that gives users the opportunity to send money from your bank account for free, to either pay bills or repay a friend by sending money back to their Venmo account. It came about in March 2009 as a system through which funds could be paid through text messages and is said to be safe for users, but has since been refined and is now very popular among the social class.

Tinder Complete Beginners Guide 
Scott Casterson

The internet is completely dominated by the dating app; Tinder. There are possibilities that if you are single you are on it; you might be married but has used the programme to help your friends to find potential dates. Research has shown that Tinder currently has 50 million active users; they check their account at least eleven (11) times per day and another 90 minutes on the app.


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