Tuesday, October 27, 2015

De laatste ronde gaat in; Welke minister, politici of ambtenaar blijft staan?

Oktober 2015
Ontknoping zaak Baybaşin nadert

De laatste ronde gaat in. Wie gelijk heeft is al duidelijk. En wie gelijk zal krijgen is binnenkort hier te lezen. En in vele main stream media. Eindelijk durven ook sommige kranten journalisten een bijdrage te leveren in hun overheid controlerende taak. Dankbaar puttend uit het onderzoek wat anderen (waaronder het HHC) voor hen gedaan hebben. Een overzicht van de actuele stand van zaken.

Deep State in Turkey
Prof. dr. Beatrice de Graaf 1 (internationale en politieke geschiedenis) schreef vorige week een column in het NRC 2 over "de oorsprong van de Diepe Staat" en stelt daarin:

"Zo kreeg ik aanvankelijk niet goed vat op het begrip 'deep state', dat de afgelopen maanden, en zeker de afgelopen dagen, weer steeds vaker opdook in de berichten over de war on terror in Turkije."

Het HHC wil daarbij graag helpen. Het beste wat kan worden aangeraden is om op 23 november a.s. naar de lezing van Rein Gerritsen te gaan en aldaar zijn boek aan te schaffen 3. Ook kan een indruk worden verkregen via het boekTrial by Silence 4. En voor de mensen die liever de strip-versie hebben kunnen ze kijken naar deze vier minuten durende video 5.

Dezelfde dag verschenen enkele andere berichten in de media, o.a. Erdoğan zijn partij die stemmen (om)koopt in het buitenland. Ook uw HHC-verslaggever bezit een TC-nummer en kreeg een uitndoging om zich te registeren voor het stembureau 6. Het CBP, College voor Bescherming van de Persoonsgevens, stelt een "onderzoek" in. Dat soort kennen we wel.

Vervolgens verscheen in Trouw 7 een interview met prof. dr.Ton Derksen, waarin hij aangeeft dat zijn boek 8 een nieuwe druk gaat krijgen met nòg meer bewijs van (tap)vervalsing door de overheden.

Zo werkt de diepe staat, die zich overigens niet alleen in Turkije, maar ook in Nederland bevindt. En daarmee worden niet alleen bedoeld de Turkse infiltranten in Nederland 9. Ook een kleine groep Nederlanders in Nederland, zoals oud-minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin als de toenmalig plaatsvervangend korpschef van het KLPD, Fred Westerbeke, hebben gelogen 10 over de inzet van verboden criminele burgerinfiltranten. De IRT-affaire 11 is nooit beëindigd.

Ook de Telegraaf berichtte (eindelijk) over de extreme uitwassen van corruptie op het hoogste niveau 12 13 14. Een POLITIEKEgevangene. Niet in een derde wereld land. Gewoon hier in Nederland.

Het is allemaal niet toevallig. Twintig jaar onrecht culmineren in een binnenkort door de Hoge Raad te nemen beslissing. Nu advocaat Adèle van der Plas het in de openbaarheid heeft gebracht kan het HHC wel een aanvulling geven. Woensdag mag Baybaşin eindelijk zelf met AGDiederik Aben spreken.

Hoge Raad
In dat gesprek met Aben zullen in ieder geval twee rapporten worden besproken:
1) 25 pagina's over de deskundologische nitwit van een miljoen 15. (Van onze belastingcenten uiteraard.)
2) 117 pagina's over de illegale arrestatie van Baybaşin in 1995 16 17 18.

En daarna zal Aben zijn advies geven aan de Hoge Raad, die vervolgens een beslissing moet nemen. Daarmee ontstaat er een juridische spagaat. Want niemand hoeft tegen zichzelf te getuigen/verklaren. En de conclusie kan niet anders zijn dan dat de lange arm van Ankara 19helemaal leidt tot midden in het hart van onze rechtsstaat. Een Openbaar Ministerie en een Rechtspraak die blijken zwaar medeplichtig te zijn aan de doodzonde van de eeuw 20.

Want wat is reeds gebleken? Ook de president(en) van de Hoge Raad (Turkse Yargitay) blijken niet te deugen. Niemand minder dan Geert Corsten had beter moeten weten maar heeft desondanks toch ten nadele van Baybaşin geoordeeld.

Deep State in Holland
Een van de parlementariërs uit het juridische circuit is Louis Bontes. Hij zal, zeker als uit de uitspraak van de Hoge Raad blijkt dat er een herziening moet worden gedaan, een Kamerdebat aanvragen 21. Te verwachten is ook dat leden als Pieter Omtzigt daarbij zullen aansluiten.

En dan gaat het vuurwerk pas echt beginnen! Het zal blijken dat Joris Demmink slechts één van de pionnen is. Er zijn er veel meer. Een voor een zullen ze zich voor de rechter moeten verantwoorden. Daaronder is in ieder geval een heel rijtje ministers van justitie. En er zijn nog veel meer verdachte medeplichtigen 22. Het HHC zal, nadat de "commissie" Oosting (oud-ombudsman) en de huidige ombudsmanReinier van Zutphen klaar zijn met hun rapport nog wel wat aangiftes gaan verzorgen.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Abortionist Caught With 14 Containers of Aborted Babies

Yesterday, LifeNews reported the story of the Michigan abortion practitioner who was caught with what local police believe were 14 plastic containers that possibly contain the bodies of aborted babies along with other human tissue. Local police raided the upscale West Bloomfield, Michigan home of abortionist Michael Roth after acting on evidence that Roth may be performing illegal abortions — doing abortions either out of his home or in the private homes of his customers.
Now, new information indicates Roth is on the staff at a local Catholic hospital, as an OGBYN.
After the raid, police found, in the trunk of Roth’s car, medical equipment used for abortion procedures. Investigators confiscated  medical “materials” in bags and boxes at Roth’s home. Roth is now under investigation by the Michigan Attorney General.
But Roth has a connection with a local Catholic hospital and was recently listed as an OB-GYN for the Catholic St. John/Providence Health System.

In fact, a profile page at the hospital indicates Roth was on staff, but the hospital appears to have taken it down. A cached copy (below) of the web page at Google from October 4 reveals the hospital took down the profile page between then and the raid.

“Dr. Roth specializes in OB/GYN as a primary care physician to women. He believes in treating all women of all ages, as well as treatment and care for obesity (medical, not surgical),” the Catholic hospital’s cached page said. It provided addresses in Farmington Hills and Novi where patients could make appointments with Roth and it indicates Roth did his residency at its Providence-Providence Park Hospital in Southfield..

Local police have raided the upscale West Bloomfield, Michigan home of abortionist Michael Roth after acting on evidence that Roth may be performing illegal abortions — doing abortions either out of his home or in the private homes of his customers. In the course of the raid, police found what they believe are 14 containers that possibly contain the bodies of aborted babies along with other human tissue.
The trunk of Roth’s car also contained medical equipment used for abortion procedures. Investigators confiscated  medical “materials” in bags and boxes at Roth’s home. Now, Roth is now under investigation by the Michigan Attorney General.   
WXYZ has more on what happened:
Sources confirm 14 containers of human tissue, possibly fetuses, medical equipment and large amounts of Fentanyl, a drug used for pain and sedation, was found in a car owned by the doctor who works as an OB/GYN.
The case started two weeks ago when the doctor was driving on 14 Mile west of the new roundabout at Orchard Lake.  He hit a special needs child who was critically injured. Sources say the doctor was not under the influence and obtained a lawyer.  His car was impounded as the accident was still under investigation.
Follow LifeNews.com on Instagram for pro-life pictures and the latest pro-life news.
Then last week, officers executed a search warrant to obtain the “black box” data recorder from the car and while inside the trunk they found plastic containers and medical equipment.
Sources say they containers were not labeled and no medical records were in the car.
Roth’s abortion business, the Novi Laser and Aesthetic Centerwas evicted in November 2014 from its second office space this year.  An eviction document provided to Operation Rescue by long-time pro-life activist Lynn Mills, shows that a court request for eviction from his office at 33200 West 14 Mile in West Bloomfield was filed on October 21, 2014. The eviction was ordered due to Roth’s violation of a provision of his lease.

Roth had until November 27, 2014, to vacate the premises. Photos taken through his office windows on November 25 show that the office was empty and Roth had already moved out.
Mills told Operation Rescue that she had conducted a literature drop just prior to Thanksgiving featuring information about Roth’s abortion business and his involvement in a tax fraud case. Roth moved out soon after.

“Public pressure of the kind used by Lynn Mills is very effective at exposing the ‘bad boys’ of the abortion cartel and forcing them out of business,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “We applaud her efforts and those of others who also contributed to this pro-life victory.”
Earlier in 2014 Roth was evicted from his long-time office, located at 42450 West 12 Mile Road, Suite 205, in Novi, Michigan, which was the site of several large peaceful, pro-life sit-ins, or rescues, in the early 1990s.

Monica Migliorino Miller of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society talked with LifeNews about Roth and this new investigation.

“That Michael Roth would be performing illegal abortions–either in his home, or even in the homes of women–shows the despicable,sordid practice that is abortion. It also shows that Roth as an abortionist did not really care about the health and safety of women–as these abortions were not taking place in safe, sterile environments,” she said.

“This is just another sad, sorry story that exposes the dark world of the abortion practice and helps the public see that dark world.  On top of the scandal of Planned Parenthood selling the body parts of aborted babies–and now this!  We see the unscrupulous nature of the abortion practitioner–a nature forged in disrespect for life,” Miller continued.

Roth has a checkered history of Board discipline and malpractice suits related to botched abortion procedures. Some of the injuries he inflicted during abortions include perforated uteri and bowels, hemorrhage, and at least one abortion he did not finish because the abortion facility ran out of dilators of the size he needed to complete the procedure. One woman required a hysterectomy to save her life. Documents related to these incidents can be read at AbortionDocs.org.

Roth’s personal life was also troubled. He went through an ugly divorce in 2005 that resulted in his then-wife obtaining a personal protection order against her husband that specifically prohibited him from following her, approaching her in public, or prescribing any medications for her. She lived locked in the basement of their home during the divorce proceedings while he enjoyed the master bedroom, according to court documents.

Right to Life of Michigan also commented to LifeNews on this investigation.
“Roth has a long history of violations, including two previous at-home abortions he performed in 1998 and 1999,” the group said. “Right to Life of Michigan released a report in 2012, Abortion Abuses and State Regulatory Agency Failure, featuring several of Roth’s violations. In addition to his at-home abortions, Roth was disciplined in 2002 for drug-related violations, including prescribing drugs without a license. He was disciplined in 2004 for violating patient consent laws and was accused of falsifying medical records by a former employee.”

Right to Life of Michigan Legislative Director Ed Rivet said, “Abortionists frequently violate our laws with extreme disregard for women’s health and safety. Roth should have his license revoked, just like Dr. Robert Alexander who ran a house of horrors abortion clinic in Muskegon until 2014.”
Since passage of the Michigan Prolife Omnibus Act in 2012, which significantly strengthened the oversight of the abortion industry, 16 abortion businesses in the state have closed, many due to substandard practices.

Right to Life of Michigan President Barbara Listing said, “We’re glad we’ve been able to provide more tools for authorities to deal with health and safety violations in the abortion industry, and we’ll continue to provide them with even more. If abortionists and their businesses can’t abide by laws and regulations that others follow, they shouldn’t be allowed practice on vulnerable women.”

St. John/Providence has not returned a call and email from LifeNews.com for the story.
The hospital bills itself as a leader in Catholic, faith-based health care.

“St. John Providence is committed to providing care to treat the entire person — body, mind, and spirit. This philosophy of care underscores our heritage as a faith-based health system offering our patients so much more than medicine,” it says. “St. John Providence is a member of Ascension. Ascension is a faith-based healthcare organization dedicated to transformation through innovation across the continuum of care. As the largest non-profit health system in the U.S. and the world’s largest Catholic health system, Ascension is committed to delivering compassionate, personalized care to all persons with special attention to those who are struggling the most.”

Just what is the nature of the relationship between Roth and St. John/Providence Health System? At minimum, it appears the Catholic hospital was providing Roth with admitting privileges and that relationship has been ongoing for some time.

Writing at a Catholic blog, one pro-life blogger says the issue of the Michigan abortionist working at St. John has been a problem for years.

“Catholic pro-lifers have been protesting Dr. Roth’s admitting privileges at a Detroit-area Catholic hospital for years. Moreover, despite relentless pleas to the archdiocese of Detroit to intervene and either force the hospital to cut its ties to Roth or else strip it of its Catholic status, the archdiocese has allowed the scandal to go on unchecked,” Ryan Fitzgerald writes.
Roth’s abortion business, the Novi Laser and Aesthetic Centerwas evicted in November 2014 from its second office space this year.  An eviction document provided to Operation Rescue by long-time pro-life activist Lynn Mills, shows that a court request for eviction from his office at 33200 West 14 Mile in West Bloomfield was filed on October 21, 2014. The eviction was ordered due to Roth’s violation of a provision of his lease.

Roth had until November 27, 2014, to vacate the premises. Photos taken through his office windows on November 25 show that the office was empty and Roth had already moved out.
Mills told Operation Rescue that she had conducted a literature drop just prior to Thanksgiving featuring information about Roth’s abortion business and his involvement in a tax fraud case. Roth moved out soon after.

“Public pressure of the kind used by Lynn Mills is very effective at exposing the ‘bad boys’ of the abortion cartel and forcing them out of business,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “We applaud her efforts and those of others who also contributed to this pro-life victory.”

Earlier in 2014 Roth was evicted from his long-time office, located at 42450 West 12 Mile Road, Suite 205, in Novi, Michigan, which was the site of several large peaceful, pro-life sit-ins, or rescues, in the early 1990s.

Monica Migliorino Miller of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society talked with LifeNews about Roth and this new investigation.

“That Michael Roth would be performing illegal abortions–either in his home, or even in the homes of women–shows the despicable,sordid practice that is abortion. It also shows that Roth as an abortionist did not really care about the health and safety of women–as these abortions were not taking place in safe, sterile environments,” she said.

“This is just another sad, sorry story that exposes the dark world of the abortion practice and helps the public see that dark world.  On top of the scandal of Planned Parenthood selling the body parts of aborted babies–and now this!  We see the unscrupulous nature of the abortion practitioner–a nature forged in disrespect for life,” Miller continued.

Roth has a checkered history of Board discipline and malpractice suits related to botched abortion procedures. Some of the injuries he inflicted during abortions include perforated uteri and bowels, hemorrhage, and at least one abortion he did not finish because the abortion facility ran out of dilators of the size he needed to complete the procedure. One woman required a hysterectomy to save her life. Documents related to these incidents can be read at AbortionDocs.org.
Roth’s personal life was also troubled. He went through an ugly divorce in 2005 that resulted in his then-wife obtaining a personal protection order against her husband that specifically prohibited him from following her, approaching her in public, or prescribing any medications for her. She lived locked in the basement of their home during the divorce proceedings while he enjoyed the master bedroom, according to court documents.

Right to Life of Michigan also commented to LifeNews on this investigation.

“Roth has a long history of violations, including two previous at-home abortions he performed in 1998 and 1999,” the group said. “Right to Life of Michigan released a report in 2012, Abortion Abuses and State Regulatory Agency Failure, featuring several of Roth’s violations. In addition to his at-home abortions, Roth was disciplined in 2002 for drug-related violations, including prescribing drugs without a license. He was disciplined in 2004 for violating patient consent laws and was accused of falsifying medical records by a former employee.”

Right to Life of Michigan Legislative Director Ed Rivet said, “Abortionists frequently violate our laws with extreme disregard for women’s health and safety. Roth should have his license revoked, just like Dr. Robert Alexander who ran a house of horrors abortion clinic in Muskegon until 2014.”

Since passage of the Michigan Prolife Omnibus Act in 2012, which significantly strengthened the oversight of the abortion industry, 16 abortion businesses in the state have closed, many due to substandard practices.

Right to Life of Michigan President Barbara Listing said, “We’re glad we’ve been able to provide more tools for authorities to deal with health and safety violations in the abortion industry, and we’ll continue to provide them with even more. If abortionists and their businesses can’t abide by laws and regulations that others follow, they shouldn’t be allowed practice on vulnerable women.”

Sunday, October 4, 2015

“Cure-Diabetes” - Guru Arrested for Fraud… is YOUR doctor teaching his lies?

3 Steps to Destroy Your Diabetes… Forever!


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Diabetes researchers just uncovered a weight-loss roadblock:

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It doesn’t matter how much you exercise, or how healthy you eat…
“If your blood sugar is high, it’s almost impossible to lose weight.”
Think it might be high blood sugar that’s keeping you fat? Here’s a few ways to tell:
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Stay Healthy,

Friday, October 2, 2015

Why A Popcorn Time User Should Use A VPN

Why A Popcorn Time User Should Use A VPN


We all love Popcorn Time. It’s a great way to quickly download and watch TV shows, movies, and more on any device that you have, but it doesn’t mean that you should just go out and download everything with impunity. When you’re downloading on BitTorrent (Torrent), you should always be safe and use a VPN. A Popcorn Time VPN might be easier to set up than most VPN services out there, but if you’re still on the fence about why you should use one then keep reading.
Popcorn Time, the Netflix-like website for pirated movie content, may be vulnerable to a hack attack, TorrentFreak reports. This is according to a Greek security researcher named Antonios Chariton who published a blog post this past weekend.
Using a series of techniques, Chariton wrote that he demonstrated how "someone can get complete control of a computer assuming they have a Man In The Middle position in the network."
A 'man-in-the-middle' attack is when a hacker intercepts a data request between two machines. It is then able to swap the intended data for something malicious. So, if an attacker is able to execute one of these intercepting attacks, he or she can wreak havoc on the computer running Popcorn Time.
Source: uk.businessinsider.com
Popcorn Time Is Great, But It Doesn’t Solve All BitTorrent Problems
Using Popcorn Time makes life a lot easier in many respects, but just because downloading on BitTorrent is easier doesn’t mean that it’s safe. Popcorn Time is just an application to make downloading easier, but it’s still just as easy to have trackers log your IP if you download without a VPN.

Having trackers log your activity is a serious concern, regardless of the legality of downloading anything from BitTorrent in your country. There are two levels of protection that you should be looking for when selecting a VPN:

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No Logging: Aside from tunneling your Popcorn Time downloading through another IP address, the other concern that you need to have is whether or not there is a log of your downloading activity with your VPN service. We never keep logs of any requests made through our service, or of any traffic that goes through our servers, meaning that there is no possibility of being tracked through out service. While not all VPN services do this, it’s a service that you need to keep an eye out for to remain completely protected.



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